Want to find out how much traffic passes by a property?
WisDOT interactive traffic count map
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) traffic counts are part of an interactive map that allows you to view counts anywhere in the state. The search, pan and zoom features of the map are based on the Google Maps interface. The best way to search for a location in the address box is to insert “WI” after the community name. This will eliminate Google taking you to similar named locations elsewhere in the country.
Traffic counts are reported as the number of vehicles expected to pass a given location on an average day of the year. This value is called the “annual average daily traffic” or AADT and are represented on traffic count or traffic volume maps. The AADT is based on a short-term traffic count, usually 48 hours, taken at the location. This count is then adjusted for the variation in traffic volume throughout the year and the average number of axles per vehicle. Short-term counts are collected over a three-year cycle at nearly 26,000 rural and urban locations throughout the state.
CLICK ON THIS LINK: http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/data-plan/traf-counts/default.aspx